Camphene (Natural) ***
Terpene Classification: Bicyclic Monoterpenes
Synonnyms: (±)-Camphene, DL-camphene (dextro,laevo-camphene)
Taste Description: Camphoraceous, cooling, minty, with citrus and green spicy nuances.
Odor Description: Camphoraceuos, cooling, piney woody with terpy nuances.
CAS # 507-70-0
FEMA # 2157
Note: This product has a melting point of 125 F. It will come as mostly crystalline, but in a liquid bottle (to avoid leakage that could occur if it gets warm in transit). You will need to heat to above the melting point in order to easily remove the product from its bottle.

Price: $3.00
Price: $6.00
50g (0.11 lb)
Price: $15.00
250g (0.55 lb)
Price: $27.00
500g (1.10 lb)
Price: $48.00
1kg (2.20 lb)
Price: $80.00