Frequently Asked Questions
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Do your products contain CBD or THC?
We do not sell any products that contain CBD, THC, or Cannabis-derived ingredients.
What is a Full Spectrum Terpene Blend?
This is a blend of various Terpenes that are naturally found in Cannabis products. Although not derived from Cannabis, these ingredients are molecularly identical and, due to the method of manufacturer, are much purer than a product that is derived from Cannabis or other similar raw materials. These blends are meant to mimic the therapeutic qualities of Cannabis, while also pairing appropriately with the flavors added (when applicable).
At what ratio should I blend my terpenes?
We recommend starting with a 1% concentration in your product. See our
How-To Page for more information.
Do we have any international resellers?
Currently we do not have any authorized International sellers but have many International customers that do resell our products.
What are Hazmat Fees?
What are these symbols on my bottles?
The symbols see on your labels that are diamond shaped and have pictograms of hazards inside them are 'Hazard Symbols'.
As of June 1st, 2015, all companies who require a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) with their product, must use hazard symbols, statements, and warnings on the labels that correspond with the information that has always been on the SDS.
Federal Regulations require us to put this info (which can be found on your SDS) on all products where potential hazards are present. Be mindful that these hazards only apply to the products while in concentrated form.
Once the ingredients have been diluted, it is the responsibility of our customers (you) to know the range and safety communicated to customers down the supply chain.
Why do products change color?
Flavor and Aroma molecules can often exhibit color changes without any affects on taste/aroma or functionality. There are a variety of reasons why products may vary in color over time or between order to order.
Natural Flavors are subject to color variations based on the raw materials themselves, which can vary from natural causes like crop variations from different harvest locations or times.
Heat, light, and oxygen exposure are the most common factors causing color changes in Flavor and Aroma molecules over time. For example, take an apple that is cut fresh and compare it to an apple that was cut an hour before.
What you will see is a slight change in color, but if you did a blind taste test, you would not be able to detect any flavor differences.
Flavor and Aroma ingredients may also be specified with a range of color from our suppliers, and these slight deviations can translate into our finished products.
How to Check Order Status and how quickly do we ship
You can see your orders by logging into your account, then scroll down to see your orders and refunds.
Click on the number to see the description of the transaction. You will see if your order has shipped, and if it has, you will see the tracking number.
In many cases, your order will ship either the same day, or the next day. Rarely it might take 2 days for us to ship.
International Orders: Please read our Shipping Policy for important information about shipping times.
What payment methods do we accept?
We accept payment from the following credit cards:
Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.
Shopping cart security
This website uses an application called Aspdotnetstorefront,
and has the latest security features installed. We have an external Credit Card processor and do not store any Credit Card numbers in our databases.
Inhalation Safety
Inhalation of flavor and other chemical blends by use of electronic inhalation devices is a popular and more chemically pure alternative to traditional smoking.
However, please note that this use has not been safety-tested by any official organizations. Therefore, we are not able to guarantee that any of our products are safe for this use.
This would also be true for any other manufacturer. There are no companies that can guarantee that any flavor or aroma chemical is safe for long-term use.
Shipping Methods
When you are checking out, you will see shipping quotes to choose from. We ship via UPS.
Please see our "Shipping Policy". We offer free Ground Shipping on orders over $100.
Do we have a Retail Store?
We do not currently have a retail store.
Our Hours and Location
170 Technology Circle, Scotts Valley, CA, 95066
Customer Service Business Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30am to 4:00pm (PST)
Orders are available for pickup from 8:30 am to 3:00pm
Shelf life and storage of products
None of our products have an "expiration date" as none of them become harmful if used after a certain period of time. However, we do generally recommend products be used or re-certified (compared to a new batch for quality) within 18 months of manufacture.
During this time, you may notice slight changes in the coloration and intensity of the product. Many factors come in to play with this time frame. The specific nature of the product (volatility, viscosity, molecular weight) plays heavily into the nature of the aging of a product.
The controllable factors are Temperature, Light, exposure to air and moisture, and container material.
We suggest storing all products in the smallest container possible in a dark, cool environment (preferably below 70F/21C).
We use glass for our smallest containers and aluminum for our larger containers. Some of our products will come in plastic containers, but this is not for long-term storage or re-blending use and we suggest you transfer these to glass or metal containers after you open them.
Returns Policy
We do not accept returns as we cannot guarentee the safety or quality of products returned to us. Because personal tastes vary, we encourage you to try small sizes first before purchasing large sizes.